
M Lounge

The M Lounge in Chicago IL is a super chill / low key jazz jazz venue. You can listen to great Chicago jazz musicians while enjoying a nice wine or cabernet from their classy bar. This is a diamond in the rough bar / music spot on the south side of Chicago. It's defs worth checking out.

Main styles: Jazz
Overall feel: Small room jazz joint w / classy bar
Acoustics: Small sized room
Avg. crowd size: 10 - 30
Avg. age of crowd: Young and Old
Stuff to do around there: South Side bars
Jam Session? No
Avg. age of musicians: Sometimes you can get up and play with the musicians. You gotta have some skills though.
Skill of musicians: Great
Quality of networking: Good to chat with the musicians
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1520 S Wabash St
Chicago, IL 60605
(312) 447-0201