
The Elbo Room

The Elbo Room in the Lakeview Chicago area is a mid sized music venue for local talent. You can hear rock, metal, hip hop, and funk. Overall, there's a pretty wide variety of bands that play here. If you wanna get a drink with some friends while listening to some music, The Elbo Room can suffice.

Main styles: Rock, Metal, Hip Hop, Funk, Acoustic
Overall feel: Small - Medium sized rock bar
Acoustics: Small - Medium sized room
Avg. crowd size: 40 - 100
Avg. age of crowd: 20's - 30's
Stuff to do around there: Lakeview neighborhood bars
Jam Session? No
Avg. age of musicians: 20's - 40's
Skill of musicians: Average - Good
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2871 N Lincoln Ave
Chicago, IL 60657
(773) 549-5549