
Rosa's Lounge

Rosa's Lounge in downtown Chicago is classic jazz joint. Some real good musicians play here on a regular basis. It's a nice mix between instrumental jazz, vocals, and some kickin' rhythm & blues. So, if you love jazz you get here. Also, if you're a musician you can meet some really great talents. You should try and talk with them after the shows!

Main styles: Jazz
Overall feel: Vintage Chicago jazz joint
Acoustics: Small - Medium sized room
Avg. crowd size: 20 - 80
Avg. age of crowd: Young and Old
Stuff to do around there: Downtown Chicago. A few bars
Jam Session? Yes! Check calendar
Avg. age of musicians: Young and Old
Skill of musicians: Great
Quality of networking: Good to chat with the musicians
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3420 W Armitage Ave
Chicago, IL 60647
(773) 342-0452