
Congress Theater

The Congress Theater has hosted everything from weddings, The International Mr. Leather, experimental music shows, movie festivals, talent shows, visual and other fine arts, movie locations, and special events. Oprah Winfrey used the lobby to shoot her intro of her daily TV show. So, your going to find a mixture of anything and everything here. It was designed in 1925 for Lubliner & Trinz, who operated one of Chicago's largest movie theater chains during the 1920's. So, it definitely has a vintage feel to it.

Main styles: Rock, Underground, Metal
Overall feel: Small Venue
Acoustics: Washy
Avg. crowd size: 300
Avg. age of crowd: 20's - 30's
Stuff to do around there: Downtown Chicago. Lot's of bars
Jam Session? No
Avg. age of musicians: 20's - 30's
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2135 N Milwaukee Ave
Chicago, IL 60647
(773) 276-1235