
Penny Road Pub

Penny Road Pub in Barrington IL is a small / low key bar / music spot. It seems kinda shabby from outside, but it is... It's actually pretty sweet. They have great deals on food and drinks. You can get wasted for pretty cheap. The music tends to be more on the rock side of things. Also, there's some acoustic stuff. Every once in a while Penny Road Pub will have open jam sessions. But, it's pretty hit or miss.

Main styles: Rock, Open Mic
Overall feel: Towny
Acoustics: Washy
Avg. crowd size: Towny bar - small
Avg. age of crowd: 21+ all ages
Stuff to do around there: Nothing
Jam Session? Yes! Open Mic
Avg. age of musicians: Early 20's
Skill of musicians: Below Average - Average
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28w 705 Penny rd
Barrington, IL 60010
(847) 428-0562
Booking Contact  [email protected]  
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