

The Chicago Metro is truly a landmark for music. The cool thing is that super popular and underground artists play here. You'll hear anything from metal to country. The Metro has a balcony and fits a good 300 people and a downstairs that can hold a good 500. The acoustics are a little washy. But, if your a music fan and live near Chicago, you'll probably end up loving it.

Main styles: R & B, Rock, Hip Hop, Acoustic, Metal
Overall feel: Small - Medium Venue
Acoustics: Very Washy
Avg. crowd size: 300 - 500
Avg. age of crowd: 20's - 30's
Stuff to do around there: A few bars
Jam Session? No
Avg. age of musicians: 20's - 30's
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3730 N. Clark St
Chicago, IL 60613