
Firestone Live

Located a few blocks back from the core of Orlando city,  Firestone Live gears their musical collective into a slightly less conventional direction. Firestone Live specializes in hip-hop, electronic acts and rowdy heavy metal bands no one wants. The venue often ignores rock groups for more eccentric acts. The stage itself is elevated far off the ground, and the venue has a flat eloganted structure. The venue use to be a tire-making facility, no adjusted to be a music venue. the sound quality is often flatter than ideal, and the sound falls flat because the venue lacks depth from the stage itself. Firestone is a key pioneering venue and does accept non-traditional acts. For an electric and fascinating show, Firestone Live is the place to be.

Main styles: heavy metal, hardcore, techno, electronic, hip-hop
Overall feel: club
Acoustics: poor
Avg. crowd size: 180
Avg. age of crowd: 18
Stuff to do around there: Downtown Orlando, Live Plaza, DisneyWorld
Jam Session? No
Avg. age of musicians: 30
Skill of musicians: moderate
Quality of networking: superb
Notable past acts: Gwar, Silverstein, Crystal castles, Animal Collective, OFWGKTA
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578 North Orange Avenue
Orlando , FL 32801
Neighborhood: Downtown Orlando
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