
Bottom of the Hill

Bottom of the Hill music venue in San Francisco is a great spot to see your favorite concerts. You can hear great underground / upcoming bands and well established bands. Styles range from indie to electronic so if you keep up with music calendar you're likely to see a musician / group you like.

Main styles: Indie, Rock, Electronic, DJ, Hip Hop
Overall feel: Medium sized room with big stage
Acoustics: Medium sized room
Avg. crowd size: 50 - 200
Avg. age of crowd: 20's - 30's
Stuff to do around there: Downtown San Francisco
Jam Session? No
Avg. age of musicians: 20's - 30's
Skill of musicians: Average - Good
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1233 17th St
San Francisco, CA 94107
(415) 621-4455
Neighborhood: Potrero Hill